<?php /** * Template Functions * * This file provides template specific custom functions that are * not provided by the DokuWiki core. * It is common practice to start each function with an underscore * to make sure it won't interfere with future core functions. */
// must be run from within DokuWiki
if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
/** * Create link/button to discussion page and back * * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org> */ function _tpl_discussion($discussionPage, $title, $backTitle, $link=0, $wrapper=0) { global $ID;
$discussPage = str_replace('@ID@', $ID, $discussionPage); $discussPageRaw = str_replace('@ID@', '', $discussionPage); $isDiscussPage = strpos($ID, $discussPageRaw) !== false; $backID = str_replace($discussPageRaw, '', $ID);
if ($wrapper) echo "<$wrapper>";
if ($isDiscussPage) { if ($link) tpl_pagelink($backID, $backTitle); else echo html_btn('back2article', $backID, '', array(), 'get', 0, $backTitle); } else { if ($link) tpl_pagelink($discussPage, $title); else echo html_btn('discussion', $discussPage, '', array(), 'get', 0, $title); }
if ($wrapper) echo "</$wrapper>"; }
/** * Create link/button to user page * * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org> */ function _tpl_userpage($userPage, $title, $link=0, $wrapper=0) { if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) return;
global $conf; $userPage = str_replace('@USER@', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $userPage);
if ($wrapper) echo "<$wrapper>";
if ($link) tpl_pagelink($userPage, $title); else echo html_btn('userpage', $userPage, '', array(), 'get', 0, $title);
if ($wrapper) echo "</$wrapper>"; }
/** * Create link/button to register page * @deprecated DW versions > 2011-02-20 can use the core function tpl_action('register') * * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org> */ function _tpl_register($link=0, $wrapper=0) { global $conf; global $lang; global $ID; $lang_register = !empty($lang['btn_register']) ? $lang['btn_register'] : $lang['register'];
if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) || !$conf['useacl'] || !actionOK('register')) return;
if ($wrapper) echo "<$wrapper>";
if ($link) tpl_link(wl($ID, 'do=register'), $lang_register, 'class="action register" rel="nofollow"'); else echo html_btn('register', $ID, '', array('do'=>'register'), 'get', 0, $lang_register);
if ($wrapper) echo "</$wrapper>"; }
/** * Wrapper around custom template actions * * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org> */ function _tpl_action($type, $link=0, $wrapper=0) { switch ($type) { case 'discussion': if (tpl_getConf('discussionPage')) { _tpl_discussion(tpl_getConf('discussionPage'), tpl_getLang('discussion'), tpl_getLang('back_to_article'), $link, $wrapper); } break; case 'userpage': if (tpl_getConf('userPage')) { _tpl_userpage(tpl_getConf('userPage'), tpl_getLang('userpage'), $link, $wrapper); } break; case 'register': // deprecated
_tpl_register($link, $wrapper); break; } }
/* fallbacks for things missing in older DokuWiki versions ********************************************************************/
/* if newer settings exist in the core, use them, otherwise fall back to template settings */
if (!isset($conf['tagline'])) { $conf['tagline'] = tpl_getConf('tagline'); }
if (!isset($conf['sidebar'])) { $conf['sidebar'] = tpl_getConf('sidebarID'); }
/* these $lang strings are now in the core */
if (!isset($lang['user_tools'])) { $lang['user_tools'] = tpl_getLang('user_tools'); } if (!isset($lang['site_tools'])) { $lang['site_tools'] = tpl_getLang('site_tools'); } if (!isset($lang['page_tools'])) { $lang['page_tools'] = tpl_getLang('page_tools'); } if (!isset($lang['skip_to_content'])) { $lang['skip_to_content'] = tpl_getLang('skip_to_content'); }
/** * copied from core (available since Adora Belle) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_getMediaFile')) { function tpl_getMediaFile($search, $abs = false, &$imginfo = null) { $img = ''; $file = ''; $ismedia = false; // loop through candidates until a match was found:
foreach($search as $img) { if(substr($img, 0, 1) == ':') { $file = mediaFN($img); $ismedia = true; } else { $file = tpl_incdir().$img; $ismedia = false; }
if(file_exists($file)) break; }
// fetch image data if requested
if(!is_null($imginfo)) { $imginfo = getimagesize($file); }
// build URL
if($ismedia) { $url = ml($img, '', true, '', $abs); } else { $url = tpl_basedir().$img; if($abs) $url = DOKU_URL.substr($url, strlen(DOKU_REL)); }
return $url; } }
/** * copied from core (available since Angua) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_favicon')) { function tpl_favicon($types = array('favicon')) {
$return = '';
foreach($types as $type) { switch($type) { case 'favicon': $look = array(':wiki:favicon.ico', ':favicon.ico', 'images/favicon.ico'); $return .= '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.tpl_getMediaFile($look).'" />'.NL; break; case 'mobile': $look = array(':wiki:apple-touch-icon.png', ':apple-touch-icon.png', 'images/apple-touch-icon.png'); $return .= '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="'.tpl_getMediaFile($look).'" />'.NL; break; case 'generic': // ideal world solution, which doesn't work in any browser yet
$look = array(':wiki:favicon.svg', ':favicon.svg', 'images/favicon.svg'); $return .= '<link rel="icon" href="'.tpl_getMediaFile($look).'" type="image/svg+xml" />'.NL; break; } }
return $return; } }
/** * copied from core (available since Adora Belle) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_includeFile')) { function tpl_includeFile($file) { global $config_cascade; foreach(array('protected', 'local', 'default') as $config_group) { if(empty($config_cascade['main'][$config_group])) continue; foreach($config_cascade['main'][$config_group] as $conf_file) { $dir = dirname($conf_file); if(file_exists("$dir/$file")) { include("$dir/$file"); return; } } }
// still here? try the template dir
$file = tpl_incdir().$file; if(file_exists($file)) { include($file); } } }
/** * copied from core (available since Adora Belle) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_incdir')) { function tpl_incdir() { global $conf; return DOKU_INC.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'; } }
/** * copied from core (available since Adora Belle) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_basedir')) { function tpl_basedir() { global $conf; return DOKU_BASE.'lib/tpl/'.$conf['template'].'/'; } }
/** * does *not* emulate the core function, but returns only * if sidebar is set to make it roughly backwards compatible * (available since Adora Belle) */ if (!function_exists('page_findnearest')) { function page_findnearest($sidebar){ return $sidebar; } }
/** * copied from core (will be available in autumn 2013 release) */ if (!function_exists('tpl_classes')) { function tpl_classes() { global $ACT, $conf, $ID, $INFO; $classes = array( 'dokuwiki', 'mode_'.$ACT, 'tpl_'.$conf['template'], !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ? 'loggedIn' : '', $INFO['exists'] ? '' : 'notFound', ($ID == $conf['start']) ? 'home' : '', ); return join(' ', $classes); } }