164 lines
7.5 KiB

15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * DokuWiki Starter Template
  4. *
  5. * @link http://dokuwiki.org/template:starter
  6. * @author Anika Henke <anika@selfthinker.org>
  7. */
  8. if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); /* must be run from within DokuWiki */
  9. @require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/tpl_functions.php'); /* include hook for template functions */
  10. $showTools = !tpl_getConf('hideTools') || ( tpl_getConf('hideTools') && $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] );
  11. ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  12. "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  13. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $conf['lang'] ?>"
  14. lang="<?php echo $conf['lang'] ?>" dir="<?php echo $lang['direction'] ?>">
  15. <head>
  16. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  17. <title><?php tpl_pagetitle() ?> [<?php echo strip_tags($conf['title']) ?>]</title>
  18. <?php tpl_metaheaders() ?>
  19. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo _tpl_getFavicon() /* DW versions > 2010-11-12 can use the core function tpl_getFavicon() */ ?>" />
  20. <?php _tpl_include('meta.html') ?>
  21. </head>
  22. <body>
  23. <?php /* with these Conditional Comments you can better address IE issues in CSS files,
  24. precede CSS rules by #IE6 for IE6, #IE7 for IE7 and #IE8 for IE8 (div closes at the bottom) */ ?>
  25. <!--[if IE 6 ]><div id="IE6"><![endif]--><!--[if IE 7 ]><div id="IE7"><![endif]--><!--[if IE 8 ]><div id="IE8"><![endif]-->
  26. <?php /* classes mode_<action> are added to make it possible to e.g. style a page differently if it's in edit mode,
  27. see http://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:action_modes for a list of action modes */ ?>
  28. <?php /* .dokuwiki should always be in one of the surrounding elements (e.g. plugins and templates depend on it) */ ?>
  29. <div id="dokuwiki__site"><div class="dokuwiki site mode_<?php echo $ACT ?>">
  30. <?php html_msgarea() /* occasional error and info messages on top of the page */ ?>
  31. <?php _tpl_include('header.html') ?>
  32. <!-- ********** HEADER ********** -->
  33. <div id="dokuwiki__header"><div class="pad">
  34. <div class="headings">
  35. <h1><?php tpl_link(wl(),$conf['title'],'id="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[H]"') ?></h1>
  36. <?php /* how to insert logo instead (if no CSS image replacement technique is used):
  37. upload your logo into the data/media folder (root of the media manager) and replace 'logo.png' accordingly:
  38. tpl_link(wl(),'<img src="'.ml('logo.png').'" alt="'.$conf['title'].'" />','id="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[H]"') */ ?>
  39. <?php if (tpl_getConf('tagline')): ?>
  40. <p class="claim"><?php echo tpl_getConf('tagline') ?></p>
  41. <?php endif ?>
  42. <ul class="a11y">
  43. <li><a href="#dokuwiki__content"><?php echo tpl_getLang('skip_to_content') ?></a></li>
  44. </ul>
  45. <div class="clearer"></div>
  46. </div>
  47. <div class="tools">
  48. <!-- USER TOOLS -->
  49. <?php if ($conf['useacl'] && $showTools): ?>
  50. <div id="dokuwiki__usertools">
  51. <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo tpl_getLang('user_tools') ?></h3>
  52. <ul>
  53. <?php /* the optional second parameter of tpl_action() switches between a link and a button,
  54. e.g. a button inside a <li> would be: tpl_action('edit',0,'li') */
  55. if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) {
  56. echo '<li class="user">';
  57. tpl_userinfo(); /* 'Logged in as ...' */
  58. echo '</li>';
  59. }
  60. tpl_action('admin', 1, 'li');
  61. _tpl_action('userpage', 1, 'li');
  62. tpl_action('profile', 1, 'li');
  63. _tpl_action('register', 1, 'li');
  64. tpl_action('login', 1, 'li');
  65. ?>
  66. </ul>
  67. </div>
  68. <?php endif ?>
  69. <!-- SITE TOOLS -->
  70. <div id="dokuwiki__sitetools">
  71. <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo tpl_getLang('site_tools') ?></h3>
  72. <?php tpl_searchform() ?>
  73. <ul>
  74. <?php
  75. tpl_action('recent', 1, 'li');
  76. tpl_action('index', 1, 'li');
  77. ?>
  78. </ul>
  79. </div>
  80. </div>
  81. <div class="clearer"></div>
  82. <!-- BREADCRUMBS -->
  83. <?php if($conf['breadcrumbs']){ ?>
  84. <div class="breadcrumbs"><?php tpl_breadcrumbs() ?></div>
  85. <?php } ?>
  86. <?php if($conf['youarehere']){ ?>
  87. <div class="breadcrumbs"><?php tpl_youarehere() ?></div>
  88. <?php } ?>
  89. <div class="clearer"></div>
  90. <hr class="a11y" />
  91. </div></div><!-- /header -->
  92. <div class="wrapper">
  93. <!-- ********** ASIDE ********** -->
  94. <div id="dokuwiki__aside"><div class="pad include">
  95. <?php tpl_include_page(tpl_getConf('sidebarID')) /* includes the given wiki page */ ?>
  96. <div class="clearer"></div>
  97. </div></div><!-- /aside -->
  98. <!-- ********** CONTENT ********** -->
  99. <div id="dokuwiki__content"><div class="pad">
  100. <?php tpl_flush() /* flush the output buffer */ ?>
  101. <?php _tpl_include('pageheader.html') ?>
  102. <div class="page">
  103. <!-- wikipage start -->
  104. <?php tpl_content() /* the main content */ ?>
  105. <!-- wikipage stop -->
  106. <div class="clearer"></div>
  107. </div>
  108. <?php tpl_flush() ?>
  109. <?php _tpl_include('pagefooter.html') ?>
  110. </div></div><!-- /content -->
  111. <div class="clearer"></div>
  112. <hr class="a11y" />
  113. <!-- PAGE ACTIONS -->
  114. <?php if ($showTools): ?>
  115. <div id="dokuwiki__pagetools">
  116. <h3 class="a11y"><?php echo tpl_getLang('page_tools') ?></h3>
  117. <ul>
  118. <?php
  119. tpl_action('edit', 1, 'li');
  120. _tpl_action('discussion', 1, 'li');
  121. tpl_action('history', 1, 'li');
  122. tpl_action('backlink', 1, 'li');
  123. tpl_action('subscribe', 1, 'li');
  124. tpl_action('revert', 1, 'li');
  125. tpl_action('top', 1, 'li');
  126. ?>
  127. </ul>
  128. </div>
  129. <?php endif; ?>
  130. </div><!-- /wrapper -->
  131. <!-- ********** FOOTER ********** -->
  132. <div id="dokuwiki__footer"><div class="pad">
  133. <div class="doc"><?php tpl_pageinfo() /* 'Last modified' etc */ ?></div>
  134. <?php tpl_license('button') /* content license, parameters: img=*badge|button|0, imgonly=*0|1, return=*0|1 */ ?>
  135. </div></div><!-- /footer -->
  136. <?php _tpl_include('footer.html') ?>
  137. </div></div><!-- /site -->
  138. <div class="no"><?php tpl_indexerWebBug() /* provide DokuWiki housekeeping, required in all templates */ ?></div>
  139. <!--[if ( IE 6 | IE 7 | IE 8 ) ]></div><![endif]-->
  140. </body>
  141. </html>