A library for writing host-specific, single-binary configuration management and deployment tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.8 KiB

use regex::Regex;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File as FsFile;
use std::io::Read;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use command_runner::CommandRunner;
use symbols::Symbol;
use resources::Resource;
pub struct WordpressPlugin<'a, C, R> where C: Deref<Target=str> + fmt::Display, R: 'a + CommandRunner {
base: C,
name: C,
command_runner: &'a R
impl<'a, C, R> WordpressPlugin<'a, C, R> where C: Deref<Target=str> + fmt::Display, R: CommandRunner {
pub fn new(base: C, name: C, command_runner: &'a R) -> Self {
WordpressPlugin {
base: base,
name: name,
command_runner: command_runner
fn get_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
impl<'a, C, R> Symbol for WordpressPlugin<'a, C, R> where C: Deref<Target=str> + fmt::Display, R: CommandRunner {
fn target_reached(&self) -> Result<bool, Box<Error>> {
if !self.get_path().exists() {
return Ok(false);
let path = self.get_path().join(self.name.to_string() + ".php");
let mut file = try!(FsFile::open(path));
let mut file_content = String::new();
try!(file.read_to_string(&mut file_content));
let mut version = String::new();
let mut plugin_uri = String::new();
let regex = try!(Regex::new("(?m)^(Plugin URI|Version): (.+)$"));
for matches in regex.captures_iter(&file_content) {
if &matches[1] == "Plugin URI" {
plugin_uri = matches[2].to_string();
} else {
version = matches[2].to_string();
let upstream = try!(self.command_runner.get_output("curl", &["--form", &format!(r###"plugins={{"plugins":{{"{0}/{0}.php":{{"Version":"{1}", "PluginURI":"{2}"}}}}}}"###, self.name, version, plugin_uri), "https://api.wordpress.org/plugins/update-check/1.1/"]));
fn execute(&self) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let zip = format!("/tmp/{}.zip", self.name);
try!(self.command_runner.run_successfully("curl", &[&format!("https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/{}.zip", self.name), "-o", &zip]));
try!(self.command_runner.run_successfully("rm", &["-rf", &self.get_path().to_string_lossy()]));
self.command_runner.run_successfully("unzip", &[&zip, "-d", &Path::new(&*self.base).join("wp-content/plugins").to_string_lossy()])
fn get_prerequisites(&self) -> Vec<Resource> {
match self.get_path().parent() {
Some(p) => vec![ Resource::new("dir", p.to_string_lossy()) ],
None => vec![]
impl<'a, C, R> fmt::Display for WordpressPlugin<'a, C, R> where C: Deref<Target=str> + fmt::Display, R: CommandRunner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error>{
write!(f, "WordpressPlugin {}", self.name)