A library for writing host-specific, single-binary configuration management and deployment tools
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

396 lines
11 KiB

use crate::resources::{BorrowResource, DefaultResources, Resource};
use crate::schema::SymbolRunner;
use crate::symbols::Symbol;
use crate::to_artifact::ToArtifact;
use crate::{DefaultBuilder, DefaultLocator, ResourceLocator, SymbolBuilder};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait CanHandle<X: ToArtifact> {
fn handle(&mut self, x: X) -> Result<(X::Artifact, bool), Box<dyn Error>>;
macro_rules! can_handle {
( $($name:ident)* ) => (
impl<_SR: SymbolRunner, _L, _R: Hash + Eq, _B, $($name: Resource,)*>
for Setup<_SR, _L, _R, _B>
_B: SymbolBuilder<$name>,
<_B as SymbolBuilder<$name>>::Symbol: Runnable + Debug,
_L: ResourceLocator<$name>,
_R: From<$name> + BorrowResource<$name>,
Self: CanHandle<<_B as SymbolBuilder<$name>>::Prerequisites> +
CanHandle<<_L as ResourceLocator<$name>>::Prerequisites>
fn handle(&mut self, ($($name,)*): ($($name,)*)) -> Result<(($($name::Artifact,)*), bool), Box<dyn Error>>
$(let $name = self.add($name)?;)*
Ok((($($name.0,)*), false $(|| $name.1)*))
// This is for self-referential T
// FIXME: Wait for specialization
impl<_SR: SymbolRunner, _L, _R: Hash + Eq, _B, T: Resource> CanHandle<Option<T>>
for Setup<_SR, _L, _R, _B>
_B: SymbolBuilder<T>,
<_B as SymbolBuilder<T>>::Symbol: Runnable + Debug,
_L: ResourceLocator<T, Prerequisites = Option<T>>,
_R: From<T> + BorrowResource<T>,
Self: CanHandle<<_B as SymbolBuilder<T>>::Prerequisites>,
fn handle(
&mut self,
r: Option<T>,
) -> Result<(<Option<T> as ToArtifact>::Artifact, bool), Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok(match r {
Some(r) => {
let (result, did_run) = self.add(r)?;
(Some(result), did_run)
None => (None, false),
impl<_SR: SymbolRunner, _L, _R: Hash + Eq, _B, T: Resource> CanHandle<T> for Setup<_SR, _L, _R, _B>
_B: SymbolBuilder<T>,
<_B as SymbolBuilder<T>>::Symbol: Runnable + Debug,
_L: ResourceLocator<T>,
_R: From<T> + Debug + BorrowResource<T>,
Self: CanHandle<<_B as SymbolBuilder<T>>::Prerequisites>
+ CanHandle<<_L as ResourceLocator<T>>::Prerequisites>,
fn handle(&mut self, r: T) -> Result<(<T as ToArtifact>::Artifact, bool), Box<dyn Error>> {
pub struct Setup<
L = DefaultLocator,
R = DefaultResources<'static, &'static str>,
B = DefaultBuilder,
> {
symbol_runner: SR,
resources: HashSet<R>,
phantom: PhantomData<(L, B)>,
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/27336
impl<SR> Setup<SR> {
pub fn new(symbol_runner: SR) -> Self {
Self {
resources: Default::default(),
phantom: Default::default(),
impl<SR, L, R: Hash + Eq, B> Setup<SR, L, R, B> {
pub fn new_with(symbol_runner: SR) -> Self {
Self {
resources: Default::default(),
phantom: Default::default(),
pub trait Runnable {
fn run<R: SymbolRunner>(&self, runner: &R, force: bool) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>>;
impl<S: Symbol + Debug> Runnable for S {
fn run<R: SymbolRunner>(&self, runner: &R, force: bool) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> {
runner.run_symbol(self, force)
macro_rules! runnable_for_tuple {
( $($name:ident)* ) => (
impl<$($name: Symbol + Debug,)*> Runnable for ($($name,)*) {
fn run<_R: SymbolRunner>(&self, runner: &_R, force: bool) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> {
let ($($name,)*) = self;
let mut result = false;
$(result = runner.run_symbol($name, force || result)? || result;)*
impl<SR: SymbolRunner, L, Rs: Hash + Eq, B> Setup<SR, L, Rs, B> {
pub fn add<R: Resource>(&mut self, resource: R) -> Result<(R::Artifact, bool), Box<dyn Error>>
B: SymbolBuilder<R>,
<B as SymbolBuilder<R>>::Symbol: Runnable + Debug,
L: ResourceLocator<R>,
Rs: From<R> + BorrowResource<R>,
Self: CanHandle<B::Prerequisites> + CanHandle<<L as ResourceLocator<R>>::Prerequisites>,
self.add_force(resource, false)
pub fn add_force<R: Resource>(
&mut self,
resource: R,
force_run: bool,
) -> Result<(R::Artifact, bool), Box<dyn Error>>
B: SymbolBuilder<R>,
<B as SymbolBuilder<R>>::Symbol: Runnable + Debug,
L: ResourceLocator<R>,
Rs: From<R> + BorrowResource<R>,
Self: CanHandle<B::Prerequisites> + CanHandle<<L as ResourceLocator<R>>::Prerequisites>,
let (target, target_prereqs) = L::locate(&resource);
let storable_resource = Rs::from(resource);
let did_run = if self.resources.get(&storable_resource).is_some() {
"Forcing to run an already-added resource is a logical error"
} else {
let (_, target_prereqs_did_run) = self.handle(target_prereqs)?;
let (symbol, prereqs_did_run) =
self.get_symbol(storable_resource.borrow_resource().unwrap(), &target)?;
force_run || target_prereqs_did_run || prereqs_did_run,
Ok((target, did_run))
fn get_symbol<R: Resource>(
&mut self,
resource: &R,
target: &R::Artifact,
) -> Result<(<B as SymbolBuilder<R>>::Symbol, bool), Box<dyn Error>>
B: SymbolBuilder<R>,
Self: CanHandle<B::Prerequisites>,
let (prereqs, prereqs_did_run) = self.handle(B::prerequisites(resource))?;
Ok((B::create(resource, target, prereqs), prereqs_did_run))
pub fn run_symbol<S: Runnable>(&self, symbol: S, force: bool) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> {
symbol.run(&self.symbol_runner, force)
mod test {
use crate::resources::{BorrowResource, Resource};
use crate::schema::SymbolRunner;
use crate::symbols::Symbol;
use crate::to_artifact::ToArtifact;
use crate::{ResourceLocator, Setup, SymbolBuilder};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::rc::Rc;
struct TestSymbolRunner {
count: Rc<RefCell<usize>>,
impl SymbolRunner for TestSymbolRunner {
fn run_symbol<S: Symbol + Debug>(
symbol: &S,
force: bool,
) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> {
let run = force || !symbol.target_reached()?;
if run {
*self.count.borrow_mut() += 1;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct TestResource<T>(&'static str, T);
impl<T> Resource for TestResource<T> {
type Artifact = ();
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Resources {
A(TestResource<&'static str>),
impl From<TestResource<&'static str>> for Resources {
fn from(from: TestResource<&'static str>) -> Self {
impl From<TestResource<()>> for Resources {
fn from(from: TestResource<()>) -> Self {
impl BorrowResource<TestResource<&'static str>> for Resources {
fn borrow_resource(&self) -> Option<&TestResource<&'static str>> {
match self {
Self::A(a) => Some(a),
_ => None,
impl BorrowResource<TestResource<()>> for Resources {
fn borrow_resource(&self) -> Option<&TestResource<()>> {
match self {
Self::B(b) => Some(b),
_ => None,
struct TestResourceLocator;
impl<T> ResourceLocator<TestResource<T>> for TestResourceLocator {
type Prerequisites = ();
fn locate(_resource: &TestResource<T>) -> (<TestResource<T> as ToArtifact>::Artifact, ()) {
((), ())
struct TestSymbolBuilder;
impl SymbolBuilder<TestResource<&'static str>> for TestSymbolBuilder {
type Symbol = TestSymbol;
type Prerequisites = TestResource<()>;
fn prerequisites(resource: &TestResource<&'static str>) -> Self::Prerequisites {
TestResource(resource.1, ())
fn create(
resource: &TestResource<&'static str>,
(): &(),
_inputs: <Self::Prerequisites as ToArtifact>::Artifact,
) -> Self::Symbol {
TestSymbol {
reached: resource.0.chars().next().unwrap().is_uppercase(),
impl SymbolBuilder<TestResource<()>> for TestSymbolBuilder {
type Symbol = TestSymbol;
type Prerequisites = ();
fn prerequisites(_resource: &TestResource<()>) -> Self::Prerequisites {}
fn create(resource: &TestResource<()>, (): &(), (): ()) -> Self::Symbol {
TestSymbol {
reached: resource.0.chars().next().unwrap().is_uppercase(),
struct TestSymbol {
reached: bool,
impl Symbol for TestSymbol {
fn target_reached(&self) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> {
fn execute(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
fn get_setup() -> (
Setup<TestSymbolRunner, TestResourceLocator, Resources, TestSymbolBuilder>,
) {
let count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let runner = TestSymbolRunner {
count: Rc::clone(&count),
(count, Setup::new_with(runner))
fn correctly_uses_force() {
let (count, mut setup) = get_setup();
setup.add(TestResource("A", "b")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 2);
setup.add(TestResource("A", "b")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 2);
let (count, mut setup) = get_setup();
setup.add(TestResource("A", "B")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 0);
fn correctly_handles_symbol_tuples() {
let (count, setup) = get_setup();
(TestSymbol { reached: false }, TestSymbol { reached: false }),
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 2);
let (count, setup) = get_setup();
(TestSymbol { reached: true }, TestSymbol { reached: false }),
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 1);
// An unreached symbol forces all further symbols
let (count, setup) = get_setup();
(TestSymbol { reached: false }, TestSymbol { reached: true }),
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 2);
let (count, setup) = get_setup();
(TestSymbol { reached: true }, TestSymbol { reached: true }),
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 0);
let (count, setup) = get_setup();
(TestSymbol { reached: true }, TestSymbol { reached: true }),
assert_eq!(*count.borrow(), 2);