/** * Springy v2.7.1 * * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Dennis Hotson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(function () { return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory()); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals
root.Springy = factory(); } }(this, function() {
var Springy = {};
var Graph = Springy.Graph = function() { this.nodeSet = {}; this.nodes = []; this.edges = []; this.adjacency = {};
this.nextNodeId = 0; this.nextEdgeId = 0; this.eventListeners = []; };
var Node = Springy.Node = function(id, data) { this.id = id; this.data = (data !== undefined) ? data : {};
// Data fields used by layout algorithm in this file:
// this.data.mass
// Data used by default renderer in springyui.js
// this.data.label
var Edge = Springy.Edge = function(id, source, target, data) { this.id = id; this.source = source; this.target = target; this.data = (data !== undefined) ? data : {};
// Edge data field used by layout alorithm
// this.data.length
// this.data.type
Graph.prototype.addNode = function(node) { if (!(node.id in this.nodeSet)) { this.nodes.push(node); }
this.nodeSet[node.id] = node;
this.notify(); return node; };
Graph.prototype.addNodes = function() { // accepts variable number of arguments, where each argument
// is a string that becomes both node identifier and label
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var name = arguments[i]; var node = new Node(name, {label:name}); this.addNode(node); } };
Graph.prototype.addEdge = function(edge) { var exists = false; this.edges.forEach(function(e) { if (edge.id === e.id) { exists = true; } });
if (!exists) { this.edges.push(edge); }
if (!(edge.source.id in this.adjacency)) { this.adjacency[edge.source.id] = {}; } if (!(edge.target.id in this.adjacency[edge.source.id])) { this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id] = []; }
exists = false; this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id].forEach(function(e) { if (edge.id === e.id) { exists = true; } });
if (!exists) { this.adjacency[edge.source.id][edge.target.id].push(edge); }
this.notify(); return edge; };
Graph.prototype.addEdges = function() { // accepts variable number of arguments, where each argument
// is a triple [nodeid1, nodeid2, attributes]
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var e = arguments[i]; var node1 = this.nodeSet[e[0]]; if (node1 == undefined) { throw new TypeError("invalid node name: " + e[0]); } var node2 = this.nodeSet[e[1]]; if (node2 == undefined) { throw new TypeError("invalid node name: " + e[1]); } var attr = e[2];
this.newEdge(node1, node2, attr); } };
Graph.prototype.newNode = function(data) { var node = new Node(this.nextNodeId++, data); this.addNode(node); return node; };
Graph.prototype.newEdge = function(source, target, data) { var edge = new Edge(this.nextEdgeId++, source, target, data); this.addEdge(edge); return edge; };
// add nodes and edges from JSON object
Graph.prototype.loadJSON = function(json) { /** Springy's simple JSON format for graphs.
historically, Springy uses separate lists of nodes and edges:
{ "nodes": [ "center", "left", "right", "up", "satellite" ], "edges": [ ["center", "left"], ["center", "right"], ["center", "up"] ] }
**/ // parse if a string is passed (EC5+ browsers)
if (typeof json == 'string' || json instanceof String) { json = JSON.parse( json ); }
if ('nodes' in json || 'edges' in json) { this.addNodes.apply(this, json['nodes']); this.addEdges.apply(this, json['edges']); } }
// find the edges from node1 to node2
Graph.prototype.getEdges = function(node1, node2) { if (node1.id in this.adjacency && node2.id in this.adjacency[node1.id]) { return this.adjacency[node1.id][node2.id]; }
return []; };
// remove a node and it's associated edges from the graph
Graph.prototype.removeNode = function(node) { if (node.id in this.nodeSet) { delete this.nodeSet[node.id]; }
for (var i = this.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.nodes[i].id === node.id) { this.nodes.splice(i, 1); } }
this.detachNode(node); };
// removes edges associated with a given node
Graph.prototype.detachNode = function(node) { var tmpEdges = this.edges.slice(); tmpEdges.forEach(function(e) { if (e.source.id === node.id || e.target.id === node.id) { this.removeEdge(e); } }, this);
this.notify(); };
// remove a node and it's associated edges from the graph
Graph.prototype.removeEdge = function(edge) { for (var i = this.edges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.edges[i].id === edge.id) { this.edges.splice(i, 1); } }
for (var x in this.adjacency) { for (var y in this.adjacency[x]) { var edges = this.adjacency[x][y];
for (var j=edges.length - 1; j>=0; j--) { if (this.adjacency[x][y][j].id === edge.id) { this.adjacency[x][y].splice(j, 1); } }
// Clean up empty edge arrays
if (this.adjacency[x][y].length == 0) { delete this.adjacency[x][y]; } }
// Clean up empty objects
if (isEmpty(this.adjacency[x])) { delete this.adjacency[x]; } }
this.notify(); };
/* Merge a list of nodes and edges into the current graph. eg. var o = { nodes: [ {id: 123, data: {type: 'user', userid: 123, displayname: 'aaa'}}, {id: 234, data: {type: 'user', userid: 234, displayname: 'bbb'}} ], edges: [ {from: 0, to: 1, type: 'submitted_design', directed: true, data: {weight: }} ] } */ Graph.prototype.merge = function(data) { var nodes = []; data.nodes.forEach(function(n) { nodes.push(this.addNode(new Node(n.id, n.data))); }, this);
data.edges.forEach(function(e) { var from = nodes[e.from]; var to = nodes[e.to];
var id = (e.directed) ? (id = e.type + "-" + from.id + "-" + to.id) : (from.id < to.id) // normalise id for non-directed edges
? e.type + "-" + from.id + "-" + to.id : e.type + "-" + to.id + "-" + from.id;
var edge = this.addEdge(new Edge(id, from, to, e.data)); edge.data.type = e.type; }, this); };
Graph.prototype.filterNodes = function(fn) { var tmpNodes = this.nodes.slice(); tmpNodes.forEach(function(n) { if (!fn(n)) { this.removeNode(n); } }, this); };
Graph.prototype.filterEdges = function(fn) { var tmpEdges = this.edges.slice(); tmpEdges.forEach(function(e) { if (!fn(e)) { this.removeEdge(e); } }, this); };
Graph.prototype.addGraphListener = function(obj) { this.eventListeners.push(obj); };
Graph.prototype.notify = function() { this.eventListeners.forEach(function(obj){ obj.graphChanged(); }); };
// -----------
var Layout = Springy.Layout = {}; Layout.ForceDirected = function(graph, stiffness, repulsion, damping, minEnergyThreshold, maxSpeed) { this.graph = graph; this.stiffness = stiffness; // spring stiffness constant
this.repulsion = repulsion; // repulsion constant
this.damping = damping; // velocity damping factor
this.minEnergyThreshold = minEnergyThreshold || 0.01; //threshold used to determine render stop
this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed || Infinity; // nodes aren't allowed to exceed this speed
this.nodePoints = {}; // keep track of points associated with nodes
this.edgeSprings = {}; // keep track of springs associated with edges
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.point = function(node) { if (!(node.id in this.nodePoints)) { var mass = (node.data.mass !== undefined) ? node.data.mass : 1.0; this.nodePoints[node.id] = new Layout.ForceDirected.Point(Vector.random(), mass); }
return this.nodePoints[node.id]; };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.spring = function(edge) { if (!(edge.id in this.edgeSprings)) { var length = (edge.data.length !== undefined) ? edge.data.length : 1.0;
var existingSpring = false;
var from = this.graph.getEdges(edge.source, edge.target); from.forEach(function(e) { if (existingSpring === false && e.id in this.edgeSprings) { existingSpring = this.edgeSprings[e.id]; } }, this);
if (existingSpring !== false) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Spring(existingSpring.point1, existingSpring.point2, 0.0, 0.0); }
var to = this.graph.getEdges(edge.target, edge.source); from.forEach(function(e){ if (existingSpring === false && e.id in this.edgeSprings) { existingSpring = this.edgeSprings[e.id]; } }, this);
if (existingSpring !== false) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Spring(existingSpring.point2, existingSpring.point1, 0.0, 0.0); }
this.edgeSprings[edge.id] = new Layout.ForceDirected.Spring( this.point(edge.source), this.point(edge.target), length, this.stiffness ); }
return this.edgeSprings[edge.id]; };
// callback should accept two arguments: Node, Point
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachNode = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.nodes.forEach(function(n){ callback.call(t, n, t.point(n)); }); };
// callback should accept two arguments: Edge, Spring
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachEdge = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.edges.forEach(function(e){ callback.call(t, e, t.spring(e)); }); };
// callback should accept one argument: Spring
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachSpring = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.edges.forEach(function(e){ callback.call(t, t.spring(e)); }); };
// Physics stuff
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.applyCoulombsLaw = function() { this.eachNode(function(n1, point1) { this.eachNode(function(n2, point2) { if (point1 !== point2) { var d = point1.p.subtract(point2.p); var distance = d.magnitude() + 0.1; // avoid massive forces at small distances (and divide by zero)
var direction = d.normalise();
// apply force to each end point
point1.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion).divide(distance * distance * 0.5)); point2.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion).divide(distance * distance * -0.5)); } }); }); };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.applyHookesLaw = function() { this.eachSpring(function(spring){ var d = spring.point2.p.subtract(spring.point1.p); // the direction of the spring
var displacement = spring.length - d.magnitude(); var direction = d.normalise();
// apply force to each end point
spring.point1.applyForce(direction.multiply(spring.k * displacement * -0.5)); spring.point2.applyForce(direction.multiply(spring.k * displacement * 0.5)); }); };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.attractToCentre = function() { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { var direction = point.p.multiply(-1.0); point.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion / 50.0)); }); };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.updateVelocity = function(timestep) { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { // Is this, along with updatePosition below, the only places that your
// integration code exist?
point.v = point.v.add(point.a.multiply(timestep)).multiply(this.damping); if (point.v.magnitude() > this.maxSpeed) { point.v = point.v.normalise().multiply(this.maxSpeed); } point.a = new Vector(0,0); }); };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.updatePosition = function(timestep) { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { // Same question as above; along with updateVelocity, is this all of
// your integration code?
point.p = point.p.add(point.v.multiply(timestep)); }); };
// Calculate the total kinetic energy of the system
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.totalEnergy = function(timestep) { var energy = 0.0; this.eachNode(function(node, point) { var speed = point.v.magnitude(); energy += 0.5 * point.m * speed * speed; });
return energy; };
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; // stolen from coffeescript, thanks jashkenas! ;-)
Springy.requestAnimationFrame = __bind(this.requestAnimationFrame || this.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || this.mozRequestAnimationFrame || this.oRequestAnimationFrame || this.msRequestAnimationFrame || (function(callback, element) { this.setTimeout(callback, 10); }), this);
/** * Start simulation if it's not running already. * In case it's running then the call is ignored, and none of the callbacks passed is ever executed. */ Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.start = function(render, onRenderStop, onRenderStart) { var t = this;
if (this._started) return; this._started = true; this._stop = false;
if (onRenderStart !== undefined) { onRenderStart(); }
Springy.requestAnimationFrame(function step() { t.tick(0.03);
if (render !== undefined) { render(); }
// stop simulation when energy of the system goes below a threshold
if (t._stop || t.totalEnergy() < t.minEnergyThreshold) { t._started = false; if (onRenderStop !== undefined) { onRenderStop(); } } else { Springy.requestAnimationFrame(step); } }); };
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.stop = function() { this._stop = true; }
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.tick = function(timestep) { this.applyCoulombsLaw(); this.applyHookesLaw(); this.attractToCentre(); this.updateVelocity(timestep); this.updatePosition(timestep); };
// Find the nearest point to a particular position
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.nearest = function(pos) { var min = {node: null, point: null, distance: null}; var t = this; this.graph.nodes.forEach(function(n){ var point = t.point(n); var distance = point.p.subtract(pos).magnitude();
if (min.distance === null || distance < min.distance) { min = {node: n, point: point, distance: distance}; } });
return min; };
// returns [bottomleft, topright]
Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.getBoundingBox = function() { var bottomleft = new Vector(-2,-2); var topright = new Vector(2,2);
this.eachNode(function(n, point) { if (point.p.x < bottomleft.x) { bottomleft.x = point.p.x; } if (point.p.y < bottomleft.y) { bottomleft.y = point.p.y; } if (point.p.x > topright.x) { topright.x = point.p.x; } if (point.p.y > topright.y) { topright.y = point.p.y; } });
var padding = topright.subtract(bottomleft).multiply(0.07); // ~5% padding
return {bottomleft: bottomleft.subtract(padding), topright: topright.add(padding)}; };
// Vector
var Vector = Springy.Vector = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; };
Vector.random = function() { return new Vector(10.0 * (Math.random() - 0.5), 10.0 * (Math.random() - 0.5)); };
Vector.prototype.add = function(v2) { return new Vector(this.x + v2.x, this.y + v2.y); };
Vector.prototype.subtract = function(v2) { return new Vector(this.x - v2.x, this.y - v2.y); };
Vector.prototype.multiply = function(n) { return new Vector(this.x * n, this.y * n); };
Vector.prototype.divide = function(n) { return new Vector((this.x / n) || 0, (this.y / n) || 0); // Avoid divide by zero errors..
Vector.prototype.magnitude = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y); };
Vector.prototype.normal = function() { return new Vector(-this.y, this.x); };
Vector.prototype.normalise = function() { return this.divide(this.magnitude()); };
// Point
Layout.ForceDirected.Point = function(position, mass) { this.p = position; // position
this.m = mass; // mass
this.v = new Vector(0, 0); // velocity
this.a = new Vector(0, 0); // acceleration
Layout.ForceDirected.Point.prototype.applyForce = function(force) { this.a = this.a.add(force.divide(this.m)); };
// Spring
Layout.ForceDirected.Spring = function(point1, point2, length, k) { this.point1 = point1; this.point2 = point2; this.length = length; // spring length at rest
this.k = k; // spring constant (See Hooke's law) .. how stiff the spring is
// Layout.ForceDirected.Spring.prototype.distanceToPoint = function(point)
// {
// // hardcore vector arithmetic.. ohh yeah!
// // .. see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849211/shortest-distance-between-a-point-and-a-line-segment/865080#865080
// var n = this.point2.p.subtract(this.point1.p).normalise().normal();
// var ac = point.p.subtract(this.point1.p);
// return Math.abs(ac.x * n.x + ac.y * n.y);
// };
/** * Renderer handles the layout rendering loop * @param onRenderStop optional callback function that gets executed whenever rendering stops. * @param onRenderStart optional callback function that gets executed whenever rendering starts. * @param onRenderFrame optional callback function that gets executed after each frame is rendered. */ var Renderer = Springy.Renderer = function(layout, clear, drawEdge, drawNode, onRenderStop, onRenderStart, onRenderFrame) { this.layout = layout; this.clear = clear; this.drawEdge = drawEdge; this.drawNode = drawNode; this.onRenderStop = onRenderStop; this.onRenderStart = onRenderStart; this.onRenderFrame = onRenderFrame;
this.layout.graph.addGraphListener(this); }
Renderer.prototype.graphChanged = function(e) { this.start(); };
/** * Starts the simulation of the layout in use. * * Note that in case the algorithm is still or already running then the layout that's in use * might silently ignore the call, and your optional <code>done</code> callback is never executed. * At least the built-in ForceDirected layout behaves in this way. * * @param done An optional callback function that gets executed when the springy algorithm stops, * either because it ended or because stop() was called. */ Renderer.prototype.start = function(done) { var t = this; this.layout.start(function render() { t.clear();
t.layout.eachEdge(function(edge, spring) { t.drawEdge(edge, spring.point1.p, spring.point2.p); });
t.layout.eachNode(function(node, point) { t.drawNode(node, point.p); }); if (t.onRenderFrame !== undefined) { t.onRenderFrame(); } }, this.onRenderStop, this.onRenderStart); };
Renderer.prototype.stop = function() { this.layout.stop(); };
// Array.forEach implementation for IE support..
if ( !Array.prototype.forEach ) { Array.prototype.forEach = function( callback, thisArg ) { var T, k; if ( this == null ) { throw new TypeError( " this is null or not defined" ); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; // Hack to convert O.length to a UInt32
if ( {}.toString.call(callback) != "[object Function]" ) { throw new TypeError( callback + " is not a function" ); } if ( thisArg ) { T = thisArg; } k = 0; while( k < len ) { var kValue; if ( k in O ) { kValue = O[ k ]; callback.call( T, kValue, k, O ); } k++; } }; }
var isEmpty = function(obj) { for (var k in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) { return false; } } return true; };
return Springy; }));